
Helping poor people is a great incentive but giving them the tools they need to get out of poverty is even better. The idea of being poor is based on the fact that far too many people are not able to access services that are out there. Reasons such as lack of transportation, illiteracy, lack of income and basic needs make it impossible for the poor to overcome barriers to be successful in mainstream society.

To us, the best way to help the poor is to give them a hand up rather than a hand out. Showing heart felt humility and sincerity in assisting those in need is the best way to get their attention in getting them to want to do things for themselves rather than have someone else do it for them. It also makes them aware that someone really does care about them. By providing them with the opportunities to improve themselves on their own will give them self-confidence, increase their self-esteem and restore their self-respect in overcoming barriers that face them everyday.

  • Donate boxes of food that you no longer want. You can have food drives for the needy or physically take the food to the poor people that you would like to help. Some good choices of food to donate are canned foods, noodles, beans and any other dried food that will last a long time and don't need to be refrigerated.
  • Give out blankets and sheets to the poor people. It is very sad to see a homeless person sleeping on the street with no blanket. Helping them will make a big difference.
  • Rummage through your clothes and your children's old clothes and give them away. Donating clothes really does help the poor people. This will really make a difference to those in need of clothes. Winter clothes are really in need. Coats, scarfs, gloves and hats are also a great gift to give to the poor people.
  • Ort through your children's toys and donate them to the needy. Books of all types are also a recommended donation item to give to poor people. Giving charity such as money is a good thing to do if you have any to spare. Make sure you choose the right people or organization to donate to. We at LFP ensure you that your money will reach to the deserving people.
  • Decide where you want your money to go based on the charity you pick. Some focus on educating the poor while others focus on food and shelter.
  • Advise others to support this noble cause and prepare yourself for hard work. Fundraising is not easy. It takes a lot of dedication, time and passion. Fundraising can be done individually or in a group.

Click here to find out the various options to donate


Fund Raising
LFP encourages all its donors to dedicate their act of kindness to a person or a cause that is close to their heart (i.e. to their parents, child, role model, home town, etc.) and provides them with feedback on the difference being made by their donations.

Fund Administration
Funds are maintained in designated bank accounts. Endowment money is invested under a conservative policy to primarily preserve capital and to generate income.

Fund Disbursement
Fund disbursement is made through bank transfer or bank draft and acknowledgement receipts are obtained from the beneficiaries.