Our Priorities

To educate the masses and spread literacy, particularly among women, in order to bring about a sustainable change in the society. To focus toward future self-employment with the hope of breaking the cycle of ongoing dependency, while giving immediate assistance to families in the current crisis.


Throughout history, the value of education has been universally well -recognized as a fundamental human right. Education not only open doors of opportunity to a better living standard, it also broaden our views about world affairs and social norms around the world, helping us in becoming more tolerant and law-abiding citizens. Illiteracy is not caused by a lack of intelligence; rather it is often a result of outside factors that can be addressed.


Masses in economically depressed areas in developing nations can barely afford a square meal each day. When basic needs such as food are not even met, health care needs for their families is not even on their minds. Ironically, while they cannot afford health care, they are the ones who need affordable basic health care the most. Local hospitals and clinics are ill-equipped to supply quality health care and medicines.


Most of us have been blessed with basic needs of life, whereas poverty is the biggest challenge of developing countries. More than two thirds of the population lives below the poverty line. Majority of the populations do not have the basic amenities of life such as food, clothing and shelter. LFP serves the poorest of poor in the economically depressed areas of such countries.
Following are the programs we implement to achieve this end:

  • Zakat
  • Disaster Relief
  • One Million Meals
  • Marriage Support
  • Widow/Orphan Support
  • Container Shipment for In-Kind Donations
  • Sadaqah (Charity)
  • Qurbani
  • Sadaqat-ul-Fitr
  • Fidya
  • Aqiqah (Sacrifice) for a newly born child
  • Kaffara


The main water sources in Pakistan are rivers, glaciers, rainfall and groundwater. The rainfall pattern is extreme due to the varied topography of the country. Average rainfall is between 50 to 1000 mm but in the isolated northern mountains it may exceed 2000 mm. On the other hand the dry areas receive less than 125 mm on an average. Almost 75% of the country receives less than 250 mm annually. Among the many challenges that the world faces today, we can't forget our responsibility of taking care of this Earth as its condition affects all life upon it. With that fact in mind and the realization of the degradation of the environment on many aspects, LFP formed our Environmental Program in which we conduct projects that address some challenges that need to be met to ensure a safer, cleaner, and healthier environment.
LFP concentrates on improving the environment in economically depressed areas of the world to improve the lives of the poor while teaching them the value of caring for the Earth.

  • Green Energy
  • One Million Trees
  • Clean Drinking Water


Fund Raising
LFP encourages all its donors to dedicate their act of kindness to a person or a cause that is close to their heart (i.e. to their parents, child, role model, home town, etc.) and provides them with feedback on the difference being made by their donations.

Fund Administration
Funds are maintained in designated bank accounts. Endowment money is invested under a conservative policy to primarily preserve capital and to generate income.

Fund Disbursement
Fund disbursement is made through bank transfer or bank draft and acknowledgement receipts are obtained from the beneficiaries.